Daniel M. Carmody, CIC
A Texas Independent Agent
Certified Insurance Counselor
Business Property and Casualty Underwriting
Account Sales and Management Services
Underwriting any business account requires transparency and shared information that can be disconcerting to some business owners. I give assurances of confidentiality. You need to know your proprietary operational data, financials, production layouts, SSN and FTID information is protected and only used as part of the underwriting process. Our digital files are held offsite on secure RackSpace servers and onsite in encrypted form with firewalled mirrored servers for rapid reboot in the event of a server failure.
Certificates of Insurance for your contracts with requests for Additional Insureds, Waivers of Subrogation - we can review specfic contract indemnity clauses and advise or negotiate on your behalf to make sure you comply and do not get delays in payment as a vendor. Call or email your CSR directly for new certificates requests and we will prompty issue and return in kind.
Engineering and Safety Services - many companies will provide free risk management or loss control services to help growing middle market or large commercial accounts develop or sharpen internal controls. Most common are property engineering and replacement cost reviews, and for many multi location risks I will personally customize or adopt your own internal excel spreadsheet to breakdown coverages/values and premium rates.
Auto ID Cards - Auto ID Cards are matched up with VIN information and emailed, faxed, or directly mailed promptly.
Policy Service - New and renewal policies are issued and delivered in both hard copy and/or digital form. Package accounts may be invoiced directly by the insurance company, agency billed, or financed through a third party Premium Finance Company. We will work to make deposit and audit payments less onerous.
Agent Accessability - I myself am accessible by Cell Phone, SMS text, Email, Skype, and WhatsApp. I am often out of office and travelling so pinging me by text or Skype to get a phone conversation is the best way to reach me. My phone at the office notifies me of voice mail immediately, and your CSR's in the office are always there to provide you quick service (auto ID cards, certificates, policy changes) during normal business hours.
My staff is licensed, trained, and competant in insurance as CSR (Customer Service Rep), with added training in MSFT Office programs such as Excel and Word, Adobe PDF, and internet or cloud based applications such as Drop Box.
As a team, we are professional, flexible, and technically proficient, we make ourselves available to serve your needs promptly.